Who needs a headshot?
The short answer is pretty much everyone in this modern digital age.
When we see a post on social media we have come to expect a picture of the author. Before the digital age, when we met someone for the first time we formed our first impression in seconds.
Now, our first connection is generally online, we have the opportunity to control what people see. This is often our first impression, so it needs to be a good introduction to who we are.
So why have a professional Headshot?
Surely a selfie with a phone camera is good enough.
Let’s be clear that there is nothing wrong with a phone camera, they take great pictures under the right conditions.
There is the clue – the right conditions!
So often we take selfies in average or poor light with cluttered backgrounds, and possibly in an awkward pose because our arm needs to be out stretched to try to get our body in the shot.
A great photograph has little to do with the camera. Just like the plumber fixing the boiler, who has the spanners and tools, it is knowing what to do with them that counts.
So with a professional photograph, it is the skill, the keen eye, the experience and tools the photographer uses to create flattering light, how to direct a person to stand, sit, or lean within that light and in a pleasing and complimentary location.
These are the tools of the trade to create a look that will invite customers or suppliers to do business with you. Business could be anything where you engage with others. We all want to deal with friendly nice people.
So what makes a great flattering picture. Like the cliché for the translation for photograph says – photo means light and graph means drawing or painting. Designing a lighting arrangement that flatters a person is the key to making them look their best.
Using light to reveal and shadow to hide you can sculpt the body to be more flattering. Turning the body away from the light can help take off a few inches. Then applying some good quality light that wraps around the face but creates a little shadow on the side nearest the camera gives the appearance of a slimmer face too.
For those of us with a more round face photographing from a slightly higher angle helps to lengthen the face.
Add to this good direction starting with a good foundation by positioning the feet even if they are not in the shot puts you in a good posture along with a straight back gives a solid base and a confident stance.
With further direction in positioning of arms and hands, a tilt of the head all add to a flattering look.
Bringing the arm away from the body slims the arm and with a hand on the waist creates a little triangle of light between the body and arm. Triangles are aesthetically pleasing and make a great element in a picture.
If it bends, bend it, relaxing fingers, arms and legs with a gentle bend is far more pleasing than keeping them straight and stiff looking.
What about AI you might say. Most of the headshot AI tools need a collection of photographs in order to generate a “headshot”. This is inventing a representation of you that is clearly artificial! It may be intelligent but it is not real. A professional photograph, carefully crafted is a genuine representation of you.
So for a flattering honest representation of you that invites your customers, friends or colleagues to work with or interact with you, consider a Professional Headshot.
Feel free to contact me for professional headshots across the Manchester and North West region.
Helping entrepreneurs, business people, and creatives make a great first impression. You have one opportunity to make that First Impression.